Solo Registration

Team Registration is officially open and closes at 6:00 pm on December 20th. Late entries will not be accepted!

Questions? Ask your Esports Gaming Advisor below:

Browning HS
Joe Shim - Room 2101

Cabrillo HS
Marco Flores - Room 609

Jordan HS
Amanda Chavez - Room 2102

Mario Vasquez - Room 5203

Lakewood HS
Samantha Sereno - Room 10207

Long Beach Poly HS
Ryan Burke - Room 609

McBride HS
Nick Beavers - Room F205

Millikan HS
Maricela Baldwin - Room 11103

Wilson HS
Sophath Kong - Room 3101

Steps to Register as a Solo
  1. How to create an Epic Games Account:
  2. Download Rocket League for free if you don't already have the game.
  3. Each team needs to have 4 players.

Solo Registration Form

Before you register, make sure you have the name, grade, email, shirt size, and Student ID information.

A parent/guardian permission form will be emailed to all participants. You cannot compete in the program until a parent/guardian has signed the permission form and returned it to the Esports Gaming Advisor. You can also get a parent/Guardian permission form from your Esports Gaming Advisor.

Submit Solo Registration

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